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It was such an honor to have a beautiful & versatile actress Park Eunbin spending a Christmas Eve together with BINGO (Park Eunbin's fandom name) in Kuala Lumpur! 2022 Asia Tour EUNBIN NOTE: BINKAN in Kuala Lumpur was the last stop of her tour and she mentioned that the location was added due to demands from the fans; lucky BINGOs!
Park Eunbin made her first appearance in a lovely green skirt and white blouse (she said she is a human Christmas for today!) while singing 'Hello' by Red Velvet Joy. The audience was impressed by her fluent greetings in Bahasa; "Selamat datang ke Park Eunbin fanmeeting, gembira dapat jumpa semua. Dah lama nak jumpa. Terima kasih sebab datang" (Welcome to Park Eunbin, happy to see all of you. I have been waiting to see you guys, thank you for coming). "Awak semua boleh nampak saya? Yang dibelakang boleh nampak saya? Baik-baik" (Can you all see me? How about people at the back? That's great).

The fanmeet was divided into few segments, the first one being Today's Profile and TMI from Park Eunbin. She revealed that she slept at 5am because of the excitement but nevertheless she looks good and energetic throughout the show. Her goal for the day is spending Christmas eve happily together with the fans. She also mentioned it is her first-time celebrating Christmas in such warm country, well we hope that will be a memorable experience for her! The next segment is 'Eunbin is curious about the fans'; she wanted to know why do fans love her and the host Owen Yap read some of BINGO's messages. A Hong Kong fan asked if she is an angel that fall from the sky and how to become one, to which Park Eunbin wittily agree 'yes I am an angel!'. Next segment was the most memorable one for fans as everyone in the audiences can participate in the balance X and O game; 'The Eunbin you might not know of'. The final 3 winners received a very special customized tote bag drawn by yours truly Park Eunbin!

Park Eunbin then went for a dress change into a stunning red dress, while fans get served with clips of Park Eunbin in characters of her past dramas - Song Jiwon from Hello, My Twenties, Lee Seyoung from Hot Stove League, Chae Song-Ah from Do You Like Brahms?, Lee Hwi from The King Affection and Park Eunbin herself. Truly a versatile and multitalented actress as Park Eunbin managed to embody and deliver every character beautifully.
After the video, Park Eunbin reappeared on stage while singing 'The Blue Night of Jeju Island' (she also sang this as OST for Extraordinary Woo Young Woo), with the crowd holding blue lights turning the event hall into beautiful ocean of blue. Since it is a Christmas eve, she was asked if she can make a wish to Santa Clause, she wished for everyone to love her future projects as well.

As a surprise from Malaysian BINGOs, Park Eunbin was presented with video message and greetings from global fans, and a surprise banner that read "햇빛 별빛 달빛 보다 은빛 우리의 빈칸을 밝게 비추는 빛" (Instead of Sunlight, Starlight, and Moonlight, it's Eunbin's light that shines brightly on our bin kan). And it is not a celebration without a surprise cake. She looked happy and touched with the event and proceed to take lots of videos and photos with the fans!

"I was worried if the binkan (empty space) will not be filled up and the venue is empty, and I will be the only on the stage alone" - Park Eunbin. She was very grateful for everyone in the audience and also thanked the fans coming from overseas as well.
Before ending the show with the final 2 songs 'Glittery' and 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas', Park Eunbin took the chance to thank her company Namoo Actors and all the staffs, producers, directors, and managers who were involved in the tour and has been working hard to make every stop successful.
Thank you, Park Eunbin, for a lovely and memorable Christmas Eve, we hope to see you back again in Kuala Lumpur for 2023 Fanmeet Tour!
You may check out Kpopstarz team live updates of the event on twitter account @kpopstarzlive

Kpopstarz would like to thank Trumpet International for the media invite.
Written by: Ain Osman | Photos by: Official Trumpet International, Ain Osman, Josephine Tan