Google Glass Release Date: One Year Before Consumer Release, AR Lens Given To Developers Gets A Teardown

It may take up to a year before Google Glass is released to the general public, but developers and tech influencers who received the AR lens for review have begun the teardown of the device.

The website shared their experience in inspecting the parts of Google Glass, from the time they as a Glass Explorer were invited to pick up the lens at Google’s Mountain View office. said that “the build quality is what you’d expect from a device that cost as much as a high-end laptop.”

“Everything fits together precisely, and has a solid feel and great surface finish.”

They also noted that the Glass comes with the following accessories: Tinted shield, clear shield, charger/ac adapter, USB cable and drawstring softcase.

The team at said that they brought back Glass into their labs to begin tearing down the device with the goal of answering some key questions.

“What if the entire body of Glass is potted with epoxy requiring strong solvents to access? Which part is the battery in? How hackable is this thing? Where are the sensors? Any extra hardware features yet to be unlocked by future software updates? But first, where to even begin opening it?”

They said that they began the teardown by removing the titanium frame from the pod that holds all the good materials of the Glass.

They added that much of the disassembly involved was specialized and required certain precision in dexterity to pull it off.

Tearing down the Glass didn’t present any major lurking hazards that may damage components during disassembly, according to the team. They said that evidence of it is that after they assembled the Glass after its teardown, it still operated perfectly with very minor cosmetic damage.

The team removed the pod, which contains the initial entry point to the Glass enclosure. They also broke off the opening case and removed the side touchpad. They then went on to dissect the Main CPU board and behind-ear module before moving forward to the speaker and display assembly.

The display, optics and camera were also disassembled for further investigation of its components and materials.

Teardowns are typical for new gadgets for engineers to determine what makes the device function and run at specs. Similar teardowns have been applied to the iPhone and iPad during their respective releases.

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