NYC 911 Dispatch System 'Doesn't Work': City Being Sued For Delays And Errors That Allegedly Killed A 4-Year-Old Girl [VIDEO]

Steve Cassidy, head of the Uniformed Firefighter Association, blames New York City's 911 dispatch software as "hundreds of millions of dollars [flushed] down the toilet," and potentially for the death of 4-year-old Ariel Russo after a tragic car accident.

"They had too many problems not to admit it," said Cassidy.

"The system doesn't work. A little honesty, a little sunlight would be helpful."

According to New York Daily News, Mayor Bloomberg spent $2 billion on the Emergency Medical Service project, but a delay in getting an ambulance to the scene of an upper West Side crash resulted in Russo's death on June 4.

Russo's mother, Sofia Russo, is reportedly suing the city for the 4-minute ambulance delay for $40 million.

"It took too long for them to get there," lamented Sofia.

"No other child should die because it takes too long. The ambulance system has to be fixed for the children of New York."

Currently, anything from human error from the NYPD or EMS are being blamed as potential causes of the delay, in addition to the 911 computer dispatch system, called ICAD.

"Somehow it wasn't dispatched in a timely fashion. It's now an issue for the Fire Department," affirmed Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.

Check out a news segment on the 911 dispatch system in NYC below:

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