Amanda Bynes' Twitter Once Again Filled with 'Ugly' Tweets About Drake

It looks like Drake is falling victim again to Amanda Bynes' "ugly" tweets. The starlet took to Twitter in the peak hours of Thursday morning to announce her dislike for the "Started From The Bottom" rapper's physical appearance.

The former "Amanda Show" star posted photos of Drake accompanied by insulting Twitter remarks as the captions.

The Drake bashing via Twitter continued, as Amanda Bynes followed the photographs with more reckless remarks.

While she declared to post an "ugly" picture of Drake everytime she sees one, Amanda also gave the rapper an inch of hope that he could possibly date her despite his looks.

It is apparent that Amanda's feelings for Drake have changed since the March tweet that revealed her wanted a sexual encounter with the rapper.

The "ugly" tweets to Drake are coming a day after Mily Cyrus responded to Amanda giving her the same insult.

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Amanda Bynes
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