Building Inspector Suicide Revealed; Guilt Was Too Much After Building He Approved Of Kills 6 In Collapse[VIDEO]

A Philadelphia city building inspector who approved construction at a four-story building that collapsed and killed six people last week commits suicide. The inspector is being defended by the city, saying he did nothing wrong and to respect his suicide with sensitivity toward the families of the deceased.

However, the guilt of inadvertently killing six people after the inspection was too overwhelming for the inspector, who eventually commits suicide to end his nightmare.

Ronald Wagenhoffer was a building inspector for 16 years and mentored other building inspectors in the area. When he commits suicide the total death count becomes seven in this aweful tragedy.

Inspector Wagenhoffer commits suicide in his truck Wednesday night, firing a gunshot through his chest.

Wagenhoffer's body was found about 1 mile from his home in Philadelphia's Roxborough section about 9:30 pm.

The inspector never missed a day of work after the deadly tragedy, officials said.

"He worked extremely hard prior to that tragedy, and he worked hard after," said Commissioner Carlton Williams of the inspections department. "He was a dedicated civil servant who loved his job."

"We're a city in deep and profound mourning. With the building collapse a week ago we have now lost seven lives with this tragedy," Deputy Mayor Everett Gillison said today. "We're still burying people from last week, now we have to bury someone from today."

The tragedy raised questions about inspection policies. Mayor Gillison said that Wagenhoffer did nothing wrong leading up the collapse, and defended the city's inspection department.

"For us, you have to understand that there are now five investigations (into the collapse), but right here and right now, this man did nothing wrong," Gillison said. "The department did what it was supposed to do under the code as it existed at the time. We are proud of this department and its employees, period."

"This is a criminal investigation, which means criminal behavior is alleged and it was not on Mr. Wagenhoffer," Gillison said.

"And we are proud of this department and its employees. Period."

The guilt of approving the building that broke 6 families to pieces was too overwhelming for the inspector. Sources say he went on doing his job but those closest to him knew he was cumbling. 

We share our deepest sympathies to all seven families who have lost loves ones in this tragedy. 

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