Two-Faced Kitten Dies In Oregon; Could Meow "From Both Mouths" [VIDEO]

A two-faced kitten has now died in Oregon, only two days after it was born. The tiny two-faced "Janus" kitten caused an online senation this week.

The two-faced Janus cat named Deucy was born Tuesday in Amity, Oregon. The two-faced cat's owner, Stephanie Durkee, was shocked when the adorable creature was born. Her children told her that there was a kitten with two faces in the litter.

Durkee said to her kids, "I think you guys are just tired, you're crazy, that doesn't happen."

But then Durkee saw Deucy, who had two adorable furry faces and was meowing loudly "from both mouths". Deucy a rare congenital disorder called diprosopus. Cats with this disorder are known as "Janus" cats. They're coined this after the two-faced Roman god, Janus (also of January fame, incidentally).

Deucy, the two-faced kitten, was rejected by her mother. Durkee fed Deucy every two hours with kitten formula from a syringe. Veterenarians said the kitten had a healthy set of organs, but Deucy died of health complications. Durkee said the Janus cat died peacefully. Her litter mates are still living.

Unfortunately, Janus kittens don't usually make it to adulthood. The oldest lived 12 years, but that's rare.

In February of 2012, a two-faced kitten named Harvey Dent was born and lived briefly in Florida. Frank and Louie were the longest-living Janus cat; the owner tube-fed him and woke every two hours for feedings.

RIP, Deucy.

See a video of Deucy below.

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