Amanda Bynes Confesses The Whole "Being Totally Insane" Thing Is Insane Publicity Stunt, It's All An Act For Twitter Followers

Amanda Bynes is claiming that all of her shenanigans lately have been an act. She texted a publicist friend, Jonathan Jaxson, and told him that the whole being-totally-insane thing is an insane publicity stunt, and that she's actually normal. insane.

Amanda Bynes has had a Britney-style public meltdown...and taken it even further into hot-mess-dom than previously thought possible. Then further then that. There was head shaving, an arrest, drugs, multiple Twitter feuds, an eviction, and the list just starts there. Now, though, Bynes says she's just pretending.

Ha-ha? Very funny?

Twitter might be the key here-in part. Bynes allegedly sent a series of text messages to a friend who's a publicist...and he, of course, posted them online. She's claiming her behavior was an effort to become more famous, get more Twitter followers, and land a movie role.

Bynes texted Jonathan Jaxson, "All this has been an act and you know it! I am an actress and know what I am doing."

She does, does she?

Bynes wrote, "I got to 2 million followers and now everyone wants me, I am smart and not stupid. Everyone mentions my name. The world loves me!"

Oh, dear. Someone needs to tell Amanda that people talking about you is not the same thing as people loving you.

Jonathan, who is a longtime friend of Bynes, posted on his Twitter page

Apparently, Jonathan was the one who called police on the night Amanda was arrested because she was afraid she was suicidal. He said,

"I got police to be able to go to her home. I am told they found drugs and other things.

"I had proof she was suicidal. There were text messages and other things. I repeated all of this to the NYPD and they took it seriously."

Jaxton said in a radio interview Friday morning that he has been talking to Bynes daily about her drug use and issues daily via media-- but the latest confession is a whole 'nother level. He said he was "really confused" by the texts and that "in PR, everything is blurred". He doesn't know himself if it's really a joke, or further insanity.

Who knows if Amanda is being serious-or if this is just more drama? Fans have been worried about her mental health-it remains to be seen if this is a sign that it's better or worse than it previously appeared.

Bynes, 27, has also had Twitter feeds with Miley Cyrus, Drake, and various other celebs. The latest news about it all being a juvenile bid for attention is infuriating, sad, or both.

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