Playstation 4 Release Date Rumors: Xbox One Kills GameStop Profits By Not Allowing Sale Of Used Games. Will GameStop Quit Business With Microsoft?

Playstation 4 is continuing to gain support from gamers across the country while Xbox One might be in peril with one of the gaming community's biggest players, GameStop - not allowing the sale of used games could reduce profits for the gamer giant.

"Last week, Microsoft said it won't automatically block replay of used games on Xbox One, or take a cut of used-game sales, but would instead let publishers such as Electronic Arts Inc.  and Activision Blizzard Inc. decide whether a title could be resold and whether to charge retailers a reactivation fee," read an article published by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

"Such a fee could harm GameStop's business-not only reducing profits on each used game sold, but also cutting into the amount gamers receive when they trade in old titles, money they often use to purchase additional games."

Although some investors say Microsoft's decision to regulate the sale of used games might help GameStop increase revenue, the gaming retail company is also largely dependent on the purchase and sale of used games - about half of its operating profit and a quarter of its revenue is produced from buying used videogames and reselling them at a markup, the Wall Street Journal also reports.

Playstation 4 held a press conference earlier this week where they announced that they would not place restrictions on buying and selling used games, contrary to Microsoft.

Sony's PS4 console will also continue using discs while Xbox One will utilize a licensing software template for their games. 

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