Worst Charities In The United States Reportedly Took $1 Billion Over The Past 10 Years For Non-Charity Work

The worst charities in the United States spent nearly $1 billion over the past 10 years paying for-profit fundraisers instead of directing that money to charitable work, according to a report by CNN, the Center for Investigative Reporting, and the Tampa Bay Times.

This year-long investigation determined the worst charities in the United States. The worst of the worst is a charity called the Kids Wish Network based in Holiday, Fla.

There are 49 other charities that make up the worst charities in the United States, according to these reports.

The Kids Wish Network reportedly spent less than 3 cents on the dollar towards charitable works, out of the millions it raises each year. The charity reportedly spent the money on for-profit corporate solicitors who are paid to generate more donations. In the past decade, it has paid $110 million to solicitors - more than any other charity, according to the report.

Roughly $4.8 million was reportedly given to the founder of the charity and his own consulting firms.

These reported said that 6,000 charities used similar business practices as the Kids Wish Network.

In an interview with CNN, Melissa Schwartz, the crisis management specialist for the Kids Wish Network said the solicitors are hired so its staff can focus on working with children.

The charity has 51 employees. Schwartz also said donors who give directly to the charity instead of in response to solicitations ensure that 100% of their pledge will be spent granting wishes, according to the 2011 IRS filing by the charity.

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