Woman Who Claimed To Have an Affair with Kanye West Backpeddles Story

The story 24 year old model Leyla Ghobadi gave Star magazine for their latest issue, claiming she had sex with rapper and new father Kanye West while his girlfriend and reality starlet Kim Kardashian has been pregnant, is proving to be far from the truth.

The model claimed that she hooked up with West twice in 2012 and that he recently attempted a third encounter; According to the model, the new dad was less than faithful in the early days of his relationship with Kardashian, allegedly carrying on an affair even after the reality star learned of her pregnancy.

Originally Ghobadi claimed to have claimed that she was handpicked to meet the rapper after one of his shows, has now totally changed her story. Her latest story claims during the summer of 2012, she later revised the narrative, saying, "I was introduced to him at the Montreal concert [in November 2011]. We met backstage as I knew members of his band. We ended up having sex at the Thompson Hotel."

The Kardashian crew issued a statement regarding Ghobadi's claims:

"This most recent attack on Kanye West and his family is totally without merit. It's a blatant attempt by a misguided individual who is clearly seeking publicity, and another in a series of malicious stories drummed up by non-credible 'news' sources. This is a sad attempt to hurt two people trying to live their lives."

Shortly after the statement was issued it was found that Ghobadi was paid just under $20,000 for her story and never took a lie-detector test to help prove her story according to the New York Daily News.

Then to add insult to injury, Editor-in-chief of Star magazine, James Heidenry, confirmed to the daily news that Ghobadi was paid for her tale.

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