Text Messages On Twitter Reveal Amanda Bynes Behavior An Act For Publicity; "I Know What I'm Doing...Everybody Wants Me!"[VIDEO}

Amanda Bynes text messages reveal that her behavior is all an act...But is it? Jonathon Jaxson, Amanda Bynes ex-publicist posts text messages on Twitter from Bynes that reveal Amanda's delusional behavior and twitter wars are all an act for publicity.

The texts, from the evening of June 13, reveal Amanda admitting that her behavior is "an act" that gained her two million followers. If Amanda Bynes public twitter meltdown really is an act, then she is the best actress in Hollywood!

Jonathan took to Twitter to share: "Sooo @AmandaBynes has told tonight that she has been an "act" this entire time on Twitter to get attention as she prepares for next movie!"

He then posted the text messages...

Amanda: "All this has been an act and you know it! I am an actress and know what I am doing"

Jonathan: "Seriously? I mean don't you know that drugs were apart of it and you may also have something mentally wrong?"

Amanda: "I got to 2 million followers and now everyone wants me. I am smart and not stupid. Everyone mentions my name. The world loves me!"

Jonathan: "Amanda you really just must watch what you say, that is my only advice. You are discriminating and have people very worried."

Amanda: "Just wait and the world will see!"

Jonathan: "Ok. Just want you to be well! I am always here..."

Amanda: "Thx"

If the whole breakdown by Amanda is just an act, than perhaps she shouldn't involve drug busts and violent fights with fans.

Over the weekend Bynes snapped at a fan over a photograph. While Bynes was in Atlantic City, a fan and his father were trying to take Amanda's photograph in the hotel lobby.

The fan, Brett Cohen, and his father Bobby were in New Jersey to celebrate Father's Day when the two saw Amanda Bynes in the Revel Resort with many bags in her hands. Bynes was wearing her famous blonde wig seen constantly on Twitter, which reeked of alcohol. After the two questioned whether it was actually Amanda Bynes, the fan and his father finally attempted to take a photograph of Amanda.

Bynes snapped and lunged for the camera. Security was eventually called and Amanda was urged to leave the premises.

The incident along with Amanda's marijuana drug bust at her NYC apartment leave us skeptical if this breakdown really is an act. Anyone that wants publicity, but isn't crazy, wouldn't go so far as to involve law enforcement and AC security in their scheme.

Do you believe Amanda's crazy behavior could possibly be an act?

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