In a shocking revelation, former first-generation idol Noh Yoo Min, known for his stint with the popular male idol group NRG, recently shared a harrowing incident that occurred at a kids' cafe, leaving fans in disbelief.
In a phone interview conducted by Xports News on December 4, Noh Yoo Min recounted an alarming episode where he fainted while engaged in playful activities with his daughter at the kids' cafe. The incident transpired when he accidentally hit his buttocks on a trampoline, causing an instantaneous impact on his spinal muscles and discs, leading to a brief loss of consciousness.
As a cautionary note, the former idol emphasized the importance of prioritizing safety while playing at kids' cafes, emphasizing that seemingly innocent fun can lead to severe consequences. Born in 1980, Noh Yoo Min debuted with NRG in 1997 and is currently active as an entrepreneur.
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Cassidy Jones wrote this.