Teen Top Ricky and Chunji's Exit Sparks Controversy — Here's Why

In a significant development for K-pop enthusiasts, TOP Media officially confirmed on December 28 that the exclusive contracts with Teen Top's Chunji and Ricky had come to an end. This announcement comes two years after Niel and Changjo parted ways with the agency following the expiration of their respective contracts.

Teen Top Thrives as a Resilient Four-Member Group Despite Departures 

Despite the departure of Chunji and Ricky, TOP Media underlined its commitment to keeping Teen Top alive and thriving as a four-member group. Notably, earlier this year, Teen Top successfully staged a comeback, showcasing their resilience even when Niel and Changjo had already moved on to different agencies.

Statement From Agency

TOP Media's official statement reads:

Hello. This is TOP Media.

Firstly, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the fans who continue to shower Teen Top with love.

We hereby inform you that the exclusive contracts with Teen Top's Chunji and Ricky have reached their expiration.

We express sincere appreciation to Chunji and Ricky, integral members of Teen Top who have grown alongside us since their debut in 2019. We implore you to continue supporting and showing them love in their future endeavors.

Concerning the future trajectory of Teen Top, it has been mutually agreed upon with the members-Chunji, Niel, Ricky, and Changjo-that they will forge ahead together as a four-member unit. Rest assured, we are steadfast in our commitment to reciprocate the fans' unwavering love through compelling music and performances in the times to come.

Thank you.

READ ALSO: TEEN TOP's "CHUNJI" Surprise Visit to the Leader C.A.P Event Site...The Release of Text Mail at Midnight on the 12th Raises Questions

Netizens' Reaction

Here are the reactions from the online community in response to TOP Media's official confirmation of the departure of Teen Top members.

"Thank you"
"Termination of contract but they're still in the group right?"
"Thank you TOP Media still for making the Group TEEN TOP. I would have not became an Angel without you forming the 6 boys now into 4 Teen Top members"
"All the best on you solo path, Chunji and Ricky!!! "
"Teen Top"
"Thank you for finishing TOP well and thank you guys for your hard work, Forever Teen Top."

As fans bid adieu to Chunji and Ricky on their journey with TOP Media, the focus now shifts to the anticipated next chapter for Teen Top.

The agency's assurance of continuity and the collective decision by the remaining members affirm the group's determination to persevere and deliver quality music experiences for their dedicated fanbase.

The departure of Chunji and Ricky marks a poignant moment in Teen Top's history, yet the group's resilience and commitment to forging ahead signal a promising future, setting the stage for a new era in their ongoing musical journey.

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Cassidy Jones wrote this.

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