"The Wolf Of Wall Street" Trailer, Amazing Leonardo DiCaprio .GIF

The trailer and a hilarious .gif of Leonardo DiCaprio from "The Wolf of Wall Street" have emerged. (Watch the trailer below!) A suave Leo is poppin' and lockin' all over the place-- and the Internet is falling all over the place in laughter. (Sadly, the Internet is much less smooth of a dancer than Leo).

"The Wolf of Wall Street" will be the fifth collaboration between Leo and director Martin Scorsese. The film is sure to be a major awards contender and also stars Jonah Hill and Matthew McConaughey.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" is the first inclusion of something that seems to make Scorsese and DiCaprio's work even better: the inimitable Kanye West.

"Black Skinhead", from Kanye West's new bestselling album "Yeezus", is the trailer's featured song. It's a good match for Scorsese's depiction of the decadence of Wall Street during the 90s. The trailer features Leo flaunting his wealth in crazy party scenes that also recall DiCaprio's most recent big box office hit, The Great Gatsby.

"The Wolf of Wall Street" will feature DiCaprio as a financial prodigy, Jordan Belfort, and is based on the memoir of the same title. It chronicles his meteoric rise and fall-- at 26, Belfort made 49 million, which "really pissed him off because it was three shy of one million a week". But by 36, the stock market millionare was a federal convict. The film will be released on Nov. 15th, and is sure to be considered for many awards.

See the TRAILER for "The Wolf of Wall Street" below:

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