Bill Cosby Quotes Late Son Ennis On Father’s Day

Comedian Bill Cosby took to social media on Sunday to send a Father's Day greeting to fans across America, as well as posted a picture and quotes from his late son Ennis Cosby.

According to The Huffington Post, Ennis was murdered during an attempted robbery on January 1997 on a Los Angeles freeway ramp as he tried to change a flat tire. Ennis was only 27 years old.

Bill Cosby, 75, posted a black-and-white photo of himself and Ennis on Facebook and his personal website, dressed in suits and bow ties. He and his wife Camille captioned the picture: "Ennis William Cosby was our gift. And his gift is for you."

The touching message has since received more than 7,000 "likes."

The "gift" Bill is referring to is a documentary about overcoming dyslexia, which Ennis suffered from and overcame in order to tutor the poor and homeless. The message came with a link to the YouTube video called "Ennis' Gift," The Inquisitr reports.

Bill quoted his son on his personal site: "The happiest day of my life occurred when I found out I was dyslexic. I believe that life is finding solutions, and the worst feeling to me is confusion."

Cosby talked to ABC News last week about the classic family sitcom he starred on, "The Cosby Show." He discussed the parenting philosophies in the show, as well as how it challenged the racial stereotypes of the time.

"[If you want to entertain children] at the expense of parenting, at the expense of keeping children out of harm's way to get these laughs, to make these parents look stupid, to make kids look like they are ultra-bright but still lost, then we have a problem," he told ABC.

"[We] parents make it difficult because we want to be well-liked. And I'm not saying that parenting, you shouldn't want to be well-liked, but you also have to have some kind of judgment," he said.

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