Barbra Streisand Will Sing At 90th Birthday Party Of Israeli President Shimon Peres

In Barbra Streisand's first visit to Israel since 1984, she will sing at the 90th birthday party of Israeli President Shimon Peres, as well as give her first-ever concert in the country later in the week.

Streisand's tour to Israel has already made headlines, due to her arrival at Israel's Ben-Gurion Airport on Sunday with her dog in tow, USA Today reports.

Peres' birthday party, which is being held two months before his actual birthday, will also have other famous guests, Fox News reports. Former US president Bill Clinton, British ex-premier Tony Blair, Monaco's Prince Albert II, and Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird, as well as Hollywood stars Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone will be present.

Barbra Streisand will sing her hit song People, as well as a Hebrew song from the Jewish prayer book appropriately entitled Avinu Malkenu, which translates to "Our father our king."

The 71-year-old Jewish singer made one of her first stops at Hebrew University Tuesday, where she received an honorary doctorate of philosophy. During her speech, she criticized ultra-Orthodox Jews for repressing women, specifically targeting the issue of gender-segregated buses traditional Jewish religious practices that separate men and women.

"It's distressing to read about women in Israel being forced to sit in the back of the bus or when we hear about 'Women of the Wall' having metal chairs thrown at them when they attempt to peacefully and legally pray," she said.

A public bus system in some Israeli cities forces gender segregation, Reuters reports. Also, ultra-Orthodox clerics are battling against a women's prayer group seeking to liberalize worship at the Western Wall, one of Judaism's holiest sites. The women wear prayer shawls and read aloud from the Jewish scriptures there, defying a tradition that only men should do so, Reuters writes.

"Repairs are being made, and that's very good," Streisand added.

Earlier in the day, Streisand met with 20 children suffering from life-threatening illnesses in an event sponsored by the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Streisand watched a teenage girl perform her song, People.

"I shall treasure this," she said afterwards.

Barbra Streisand
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