7-Eleven Raids Bust ‘Modern Day Plantation System’: Undocumented Immigrants Forced To Work 100 Hours A Week, Live In Labor Camp Housing For 13 Years [WATCH VIDEO]

Federal officials busted over a dozen 7-Eleven franchises across the East Coast on Monday for forcing undocumented immigrants to work 100 hours a week and live in substandard housing owned by the operators of the stores for thirteen years, according to the New York Times.

The 7-Eleven stores took in over $180 million in revenue by running what has been described as a "modern-day plantation system," officials told various media outlets.

Officials arrested nine 7-Eleven owners and managers and seized their properties that were used as housing.

Watch a video of the incident here:

"From their 7-Eleven stores the defendants dispensed wire fraud and identity theft, along with Slurpees and hot dogs," said Loretta Lynch, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, according to the New York Times.

"In bedroom communities across Long Island and Virginia, the defendants not only systematically employed illegal immigrants but concealed their crimes by raiding the cradle and grave to steal the identify of children and even the dead."

The managers and owners of the busted 7-Eleven franchises routinely used the identity of children and dead persons for undocumented immigrants working at their locations.

Federal officials also told reporters that the managers and store owners threatened to fire undocumented employees if they reported their working and living conditions to police.

7-Eleven spokesman Scott Matter condemned the action and said the company would "take aggressive actions to audit the employment status of all its franchisees' employees," the New York Times reports.

7-Eleven is allegedly working with police officials to crackdown on more stores violating immigration and human rights policies across the country.

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