Notorious BIG Yearbook Photo Makes Hidden NSFW Biggie Quote SFW

At first glance, this viral yearbook photo looks like the Periodic Table of Elements...but it's something decidedly more awesome. Less important, maybe, but more awesome.

Reddit, of course, cracked the code. User AugusttRush submitted a photo of senior Jessica Lee's yearbook message. On the surface, it looks like a list of elements,

"Fluorine uranium carbon potassium bismuth technetium helium sulfur germanium thulium oxygen neon yttrium."

But, as Redditors quickly figured out, those elements' periodic symbols actually read "F*** Bitches Get Money" -- lyrics from the song, "Get Money," by Biggie Smalls and Jr. M.A.F.I.A.

Wow. Way to slip one past the censors with science. That's possibly the most creative way to nerd out ever.

Biggie, biggie, biggie, can't you see...a hidden message buried in the periodic table?

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