Amanda Bynes Twitter: Does She Steal Clothes? Troubled Star Tweets About Stealing, Wears Dress With Security Tags On Same Day At Atlantic City Casino

Amanda Bynes was spotted with security tags on a dress she was wearing at an Atlantic City casino on Saturday, the same day she posted on Twitter, "If you steal from me you'll pay a price."

The troubled star reportedly wore the long, white summer dress as she lunged at a man who tried to take her picture, came out of the bathroom doing the chicken dance and slouched on a slot machine chair, the New York Daily News reports.

Amanda Bynes' casino mishap has sparked rumors on Twitter over the possibility of her stealing the dress she was wearing - perhaps getting payback for someone "stealing" from her?

But her casino appearance predominately caught the attention of those who noticed her lunging at the photographer who was trying to snap photos of her in her wig.

"She started yelling at my dad and lunging at him," Brett Cohen, the photographer's son, told Radar Online.

"I told her, 'Amanda, you can't do that. Leave him alone,' and she just freaked out screaming, 'He can't take my picture.'"

Amanda Bynes also reportedly had a small dog with her at Revel, the Atlantic City casino, the New York Daily News also reports.

Although Amanda Bynes was stopped by security guards who attempted to cool her down, passersby were able to snap photos of her lounging in the casino.

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Amanda Bynes
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