Hairy Stockings 'Anti Pervert' Chinese Craze - But What About Rape Culture?

Hairy stockings that are "anti-pervert" are the newest craze in China. The hairy stockings mimic thick leg hair. 

Women are ostensibly less desirable to predators if wearing the hairy leg stockings, and the idea has gone viral. China's social network Weibo is full of viral photos of the hairy stockings.

"Super sexy, summertime anti-pervert full-leg-of-hair stockings, essential for all young girls going out," the stockings' caption read.

Some have said the stockings are a creative alternative to pepper spray.

"This will not only prevent against perverts, it'll definitely also result in preventing handsome guys from approaching you. When things go to the extreme, they can only go the opposite direction!!!" one commenter said.

Others, however, point out that the problem isn't the victims, it's the predators. They say the need to protect oneself by wearing hairy stockings furthers rape culture.

These users point out that the hairy stockings may further the tolerance of ideas and beliefs that condone rape.

"What would make women feel safer? For perpetrators of sexual assaults and abuse to get more than a 15-month sentence after they assault 13 women and girls? A culture where the victims of sexual crime are not blamed when they are attacked? Or would having hairy legs do it?" the Guardian asked.

Regardless, the "anti-pervert" hairy leg stockings may be adopted by some in China, the way "anti-rape underwear" that administers electric shocks has been developed in India.

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