Shailene Woodley Cut From 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' Because She's Not 'Hot Enough' [video]

Shailene Woodley filmed scenes for the second installment in the re-booted Spider-Man franchise, The Amazing Spider-Man, as the secondary love interest of Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson.

Bowing to pressure that she wasn't "hot enough," she's now out as the legendary red head Spider-Man love interest.

Shailene Woodley's role as Mary Jane Watson has reportedly been bumped from the second installment of The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, due out in 2014, to the third, due out in 2016.

"Of course I'm bummed," she told Entertainment Weekly.

"But I am a firm believer in everything happening for a specific reason. MJ only appeared in a few scenes and I wouldn't trade the experience of working with Andrew and Emma for three days on set for the world.

"Based on the proposed plot, I completely understand the need for holding off on introducing MJ until the next film."

According to an interview with THR, the director of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Mark Webb, said Woodley was cut because he wanted to "streamline" the love story between the titular Peter Parker/Spider-Man character played by Andrew Garfield, and his real life girlfriend and on-screen girlfriend, Emma Stone, playing Gwen Stacy.

"I made a creative decision to streamline the story and focus on Peter and Gwen and their relationship," he said. "Shailene is an incredibly talented actress and while we only shot a few scenes with Mary Jane, we all love working with her."

But THR continued by saying "It is likely that Woodley will not return and that the part will be recast."

This comes after comic book fans raged about the decision to cast Shailene Woodley as the buxom red-head, Mary Jane Watson.

Many felt she wasn't "hot enough," to play the iconic role.

One fan wrote of Shailene: "I mean don't get me wrong, the chick can look pretty do-able when she's all done up for a magazine shoot or whatever, but walking around like that in the real world? Just isn't gonna cut it sweetheart."

"Omg she looks horrible I hope they can do something with that face of hers," another wrote on

"Mary Jane is supposed to be hot," said another more bluntly on the movie site forum.

Critics have pointed to these superficial comments as evidence comic book fans don't deserve another Spider-Man reboot, but it's already happened.

It's just that Shailene Woodley won't play a role in the films, and comic book fans can pat themselves on the back for probably making it happen, despite how disgustingly misogynistic they all sound.

Which is a shame because Woodley seemed so excited to do her own stunts as Mary Jane Watson and how Spider-Man is a storyfor adults, too.

Maybe it is, but she won't play a part in the films. 

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