Miami Heat Fans Leave NBA Finals Game 6 Early Unable To Re-Enter Arena

The Miami Heat looked like they were going to lose game 6 last night, so hundreds of fans filed out of the stadium. When the team forced overtime and eventually won, they were unable to re-enter the AmericanAirlines Arena.

When the San Antonio Spurs were ahead by five points with just 28 seconds to play, the Heat fans headed towards the exit.

They thought their season was lost, and told local NBC affliates that they were disappointed and upset.

But after Miami's incredible comeback to force overtime, and eventually win to force a game 7 tomorrow night, the fans missed on of the most epic games in the history of the NBA.

Said a few of the Heat fans as they dejectedly filed out of AmericanAirlines Arena unaware of what was transpiring inside:

"It wasn't our year," said one fan to NBC's Miami affliate.

"I can't believe they lost, that's the only thing I'm thinking right now," said another fan. "They were oh-so close."

After Ray Allen's 3-pointer tied the game with 5.1 seconds remaining, many of the fans tried to re-enter.

No dice.

The AmericanAirlines Arena has a strict no re-entry policy, and as it slowly dawned on the fans who had left early they were missing something epic, there were large crowds screaming and pleading to be let back into the arena.

Instead, they were forced to watch overtime on the big screen TV's just inside the front foyer of the the Arena.

National columnists, both Miami natives, and those who don't reside in the state, were shocked at the actions of the fans.

Dan Le Batard, a national columnist for the Miami Herald, tweeted out: "So many people have left that I'm honestly embarrassed for this city."

You never want to leave an NBA Finals game early, and those Heat fans who did, will have a life long reminder after missing the most epic NBA Finals finish in recent memory.

Miami Heat center, Chris Bosh, who was so instrumental in the Heat coming back to tie the game and win it in overtime, 103-100, said after practice today, that " "For all those guys who left, don't come back for Game 7."

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