Natura Pet Recalls Pet Products After Salmonella Contamination: Dry Pet Food Potentially Infected But Wet Food Still Safe

Natura Pet Products has voluntarily submitted itself to a massive pet food recall after a test came back positive for salmonella on a product with an April 3 expiration date.

"We made this decision in part due to a single positive Salmonella test by the FDA on product manufactured April 3," stated the manufacturer's official website.

"Normally, this would have resulted in retrieval of product manufactured over just a few days. However, we are taking the additional precautionary measure to recall all products in the marketplace. Our first priority is the wellbeing of the pets we serve."

According to FDA, dry pet foods and treats from the Innova, EVO, California Natural, Healthwise, Karma, and Mother Nature brands have all been subjected to the recall with expirations dates prior to June 10, 2014.

Pet food consumers with Natura's canned wet food can rest easy in that they are not affected by the recall. In addition, Natura is offering replacement vouchers or refunds for consumers with affected purchased products with information on their website here.

According to ABC, symptoms for human or animal infected with salmonella include, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and fever.

While salmonella breakouts are uncommon, they have been known to occur.

Most recently, some 400 people in Newcastle suffered salmonella poisoning after eating uncooked curry leaves during a street food festival.

According to The Independent, the breakout during Street Spice Festival "was one of the largest outbreaks of gastro-intestinal illness associated with herbs or spices in the country," said Dr. Kirsty Foster of the Public Health England.

"But it is unclear whether there is widespread understanding among food handlers and the public about the potential for infection when using these products raw."

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