Mark Zuckerberg Loves International Labor And Business, But Others Accuse Him Of Not Supporting American Workers

While Mark Zuckerberg has become an international entrepreneur thanks to Facebook, his pro-immigration stance to attract non-American workers to the United States is being challenged by political leaders as not showing "loyalty to the working men and women who...serve our country every year."

In a March 14 letter to President Obama and Congress, the co-founder of Facebook was one of the leading business leaders who co-signed to claims that the "current immigration system is outdated and inefficient."

"According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are tens of thousands of unfilled jobs requiring highly skilled individuals," stated the letter."

"We call on you to address the need for more qualified, highly-skilled professionals, domestic and foreign, and to enact immigration reform this year."

Yet some have not been responsive to such calls to action, including Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, who named Zuckerberg specifically on the Senate floor yesterday.

"Working people in this country are going to be hammered by this legislation," said the 66-year-old Sessions according to The Daily Caller. "We need to be passing laws that help them get jobs, help them have higher wages, help them have higher and better benefits, and more full-time jobs, not fewer full-time jobs."

"Do we owe our loyalty to [Zuckerberg] because he brilliantly produced Facebook or do we owe our loyalty to the working men and women who vote for us, who fight our wars, pay our taxes and try to serve our country every year?"

Such controversy has not slowed down the 29-year-old billionaire, who recently made a trip to Seoul, Korea to discuss a possible collaboration with Samsung.

Zuckerberg reportedly spoke with Samsung Electronics vice chairman Jay Y. Lee and meet the president of South Korea, Park Geun-hye.

According to Business Insider, Zuckerberg proposed Samsung help make a "Facebook phone" that runs the Facebook Home software for Android, but was rejected.

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