Joe Torre's Daughter Saves Brooklyn Baby's Life After Catch; Torre 'Got Goosebumps' When He Heard [Video]

Joe Torre's daughter, Christina Torre, made a life-saving catch of a baby that had tumbled from a fire escape and was about to plunge to the sidewalk when she caught the 1-year-old. 

The famous Yankee manager, Joe Torre, has a pretty good ballplayer in the game of life.

Torre's daughter, Christina Torre, was having coffee in a cupcake shop, when a man rushed in and told someone to call 911.

She was dialing the number when she saw a baby dangling between the third and second floors of a Brooklyn housing development.

That's when she sprang into action and lined herself up with the trajectory of the baby if he fell. 

"I quickly got up and looked, and there was a baby kind of straddling the fire escape between the second and the third floor," she told the Washington Post.

"All of a sudden it slipped, and it was dangling and holding on with its hands." 

The baby fell, and Joe Torre's daughter gently caught the 1-year-old boy.

Like father like daughter; Torre was a catcher in the Major Leagues before becoming the famous manager of the New York Yankees and winning four world series in five years.

Christina Torre continued to describe the miraculous catch: 

"I was still talking to 911 and I just put out my arms, and literally, it was effortless," she said. "It was meant to be. He landed in my arms." 

One of the people at the scene told the New York Daily News that Joe Torre's daughter, "just smiled and said she was in shock," after the most incredible catch in the history of her celebrated family. 

The baby is currently in stable condition at the hospital, and the parents have been charged with reckless endangerment and acting in a manner injurious to a child under 17.

When Joe Torre learned of his daughter's catch, he told NBC he "got goosebumps."

Torre, now the executive vice-president of baseball operations for Major League Baseball, said at Yankee Stadium, said that it felt good to learn of his daughter's catch.  

"The kids are our future and when you get a situation where the good Lord puts you in a position where you're there, and a child's life is in your hands, literally...It feels good to me." 

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