Stephen Colbert's Mom Tribute Opens 'The Colbert Report' Last Night [Video]

Stephen Colbert's mother passed away last week, and that's why the Comedy Central staple star was away from "The Colbert Report." When he returned last night, Colbert provided a heartfelt tribute to his mom, Lorna Tucke Colbert.

Colbert took an unexpected hiatus from the show over the last week after the death of his mother at the age of 92.

For his opening, Colbert first asked if everyone enjoyed the show, and placed an emphasis for the show's success at the feet of his co-workers. 

"Now if you watch this show, and you like this show, it's because of everybody who works here, and I'm lucky to be one of them."

After talking about how hard the staff at The Colbert Report works to make everyone laugh, Colbert informed the audience that if they like him, they have his mom to thank.

"But when you watch the show, if you also like me, that's because of my mom. So before we start the show again, I'd like to tell you a little bit about her."  

He then launched into a heartfelt biography of his mother, and how she met his father and raised him and his 10 siblings with a joy towards life even with unexpected tragedy. 

If you're not getting a little teary-eyed when you watch Colbert expound on how awesome his mom was, then you're not human.

You can feel and hear the sadness in Colbert's voice as he describes his mom's incredible place in his life.

"I know it may sound greedy to want more days with a person who lived so long, but the fact that my mother was 92 does not diminish, it only magnifies the enormity of the room whose doors have quietly shut," he said. 

But that was nothing compared to the way Colbert ended the tribute to his late, great mother, Carla Tuck Colbert, before beginning the show:

"Now we can get to the truly important work of television broadcasting, which is what she would want me to do.

"When I was leaving her last week, I leaned over and I said, 'mom, I'm going back to New York to do the show,' and she said 'I can't wait to see it. I wouldn't miss it for the world.'

"So, with that in mind... this is the Colbert Report."

Check out Colbert's full tribute to his mother below, unless you don't want to cry. 

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