Dunkin Donuts Offers Gluten Free Pastries! Chain WIll Prepare Donuts And Muffins To Those WIth Gluten Allergies[VIDEO]

Dunkin' Donuts will offer two gluten doughnuts and blueberry muffins by the end of the year. With gluten free diets on the rise, Dunking Donuts will provide customers with gluten free donut alternatives.

Dunkin Donuts has said the gluten free cinnamon-sugar doughnuts and blueberry muffins will be prepared in a dedicated facility and individually packaged to avoid contamination from gluten products.

Gluten allergies affect 1 in 133 people in the United States.

"At Dunkin' Donuts, we recognize the importance of providing our guests with many options, including alternative choices for people with food and dietary restrictions," said Michelle King, spokeswoman for Dunkin' Brands. "We understand that sensitivities to food ingredients such as gluten are a serious concern for certain guests."

The gluten free donuts and muffins and donuts has caused a stir on the Dunkin Donuts Facebook page.

"I heard that you will be offering Gluten Free goodies? Is that really true? I sure hope so!" Secunda of Phoenix wrote on the company's Facebook account.

Gluten sensitivity (also gluten intolerance) is a spectrum of disorders, including celiac disease and wheat allergy, in which gluten has an adverse effect on the body. Symptoms include bloating, abdominal discomfort or pain, diarrhea, muscular disturbances and bone or joint pain.[1][2]

Gluten gives elasticity to dough helping it to rise and to keep its shape. It is found in many staple foods in the Western diet. It is a protein composite found in wheat and other grains, including barley and rye and processed foods thereof. Gluten is composed of a gliadin fraction (alcohol soluble) and a glutenin fraction (only soluble in dilute acids or alkali). Gluten is not naturally occurring in corn, rice, or oats, but may be cross-contaminated by facilities that also process wheat, barley, or rye products.

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