Spurs vs Heat Game 7 - Watch and Wonder if Miami's Fans Will Leave Early Again As They Did During Game 6 Victory? From Miami at 9:00 PM ET

There is going to be a celebration tonight after Game 7. We will know who the new NBA Champion is for the 2012-2013 season by approximately 11:45 PM ET, unless the game between the Spurs and Heat goes into another overtime session like it did in Game 6.

Either the Spurs and their fans will be celebrating on and off the court or the Heat fans and their beloved LeBron James, Chris Bosh, and Dwyane Wade will be going crazy with happiness.

Outside the American Airlines arena though, there may be something happening that will make fans regret not leaving early enough to avoid the goings-on in the parking lot around the arena.

What often occurs are a series of violent acts, no matter if the team wins or loses the game. Cars get overturned, fires get started, fights take place between drunken fans of both teams.

It seems to be an American, if not Global phenomenon. And, unless the Miami police surround the arena and protect those fans inside who would like to get home safely, there will be close to 20,000 fans put at risk by the hooliganism going on outside.

Not to mention, there will be a mad crush of people, horrific traffic, and other nightmares that will keep fans who have to get up early for work from getting home.

So, Miami fans, even though you got ripped by Chris Bosh, one of your own, for leaving Game 6 early, you go ahead and do what you've got to do. It's your safety. It's your family's security.  

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