In a heartbreaking development, Jason a member of the mixed group '2LSON' consisting of LE, Jason, and Park Noel, has tragically passed away at the age of 43. The news was confirmed by fellow group member Noel in an exclusive interview with Sports Chosun on the 26th.
"Noel (Park Noel), a member of '2LSON,' stated, 'It is true that 2LSON member Jason died of a sudden myocardial infarction while visiting Thailand for a rest on the 12th,'" the report detailed. "He added, 'The funeral was completed on the 17th."
'2LSON,' originally formed in 2011 as a producing team comprising composers Jason, LE, and Park Noel, garnered acclaim with hits such as 'Hocus-Pocus,' 'The Lady' featuring Bumkey, 'Emotion,' 'Slow Jam,' and 'I'm In Love.' Their latest release, 'Always,' featuring Sunan, was launched in 2020.
Jason, known for his prowess as a composer and music producer, honed his skills at Berklee College of Music before making his debut with '2LSON.' His contributions to the music industry spanned various genres and collaborations, solidifying his legacy.
"Noel shared, 'We had not been in touch with each other due to our day jobs, but I was very surprised to hear the sudden news,'" the interview continued. "'Despite the family's deep grief, I felt compelled to share this news as Jason was a beloved composer.'"
In a poignant tribute on social media, Noel expressed his grief and admiration for Jason's impact on their shared musical journey.
"I can't believe it. I heard that the member of 2LSON, with whom I had been like brothers for 10 years, passed away," he shared. "He was a senior in music, and as a brother, I worked hard to improve myself."
"I wanted to have a drink with Jason someday and talk about the past, but I am sorry and thank you," Noel added, concluding with a heartfelt "RIP."
The sudden loss of Jason has left fans and the music community mourning the departure of a talented artist and cherished friend.
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Written by Cassidy Jones.