YOUNITE member Hyungseok has reportedly sustained an injury in the nose. The news immediately sparked strong reactions from fans, who expressed concern for his status.
On October 15, BRANDNEW MUSIC released an official statement announcing Hyungseok's current condition. According to the post, the idol suffered a nose injury during a dance practice, leading him to receive medical attention.
After the examination, medical professionals determined that Hyungseok had sustained a fractured nasal bone and that necessary surgery was required. The recovery period would also take around three weeks.
Given the unfortunate circumstances, Hyungseok will not be able to perform with YOUNITE at the "2024 Dream Concert" on October 19. The agency shared that Hyungseok is now focused on getting treatment and prioritizing his recovery.
BRANDNEW MUSIC shared that updates will be provided regarding his schedule. Furthermore, the company apologized to fans for the abrupt news and the concern it has caused. It concluded by assuring that Hyungseok will receive the agency's full support for his recuperation.
YOUNITE 멤버 형석 부상 및 스케줄 불참 관련 안내
안녕하세요. 브랜뉴뮤직입니다.
YOUNITE 멤버 형석 군이 최근 안무 연습 중 코에 부상을 입어, 금일 의료기관을 방문했습니다.
검사 결과, 코뼈 골절로 인한 신속한 수술이 필요하며 약 3주간의 회복 기간이 요구된다는 의료진의 소견을…
Praying for Hyungseok’s fast recovery! Please do not overwork yourselves @YOUNITE_offcl, please take a lot of rest, don’t get hurt anymore 🙏🏻🥺
Omg... get well soon, Hyungseok 🥺🥺 take all the time you need to recover and Youniz can't wait to see you once you are fully healthy!! Take care!!
— ATINY ATZ+TBZ+&T+SVT+Waterfire+Shiryu+Hakseong (@LetsSpreadPosi1) October 15, 2024