The fourth episode of SBS' audition survival show Universe League, hosted by former 2PM Jay Park, aired. The program, which is the male counterpart of its first season Universe Ticket, features 42 idol trainees who will compete under five stages: P.R.I.S.M, which stands for Pick, Represent, and Intercept, so far.
The contestants are divided into three teams under the guidance of mentors called directors, and only one team will earn the Prism Cup and debut.
Team Rythym will be led by WayV Ten and YangYang, Team Groove under BTOB Changsub, and Team Beat under GOT7 Yugyeom and EL CAPITXN.
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In the recent episode, the directors prepared their original songs, which will be performed by their start-up lineup (Top 7), and defend it against other team's bench lineup (low-rank members).
Changsub then introduced "Prison," a song he prepared for the Team Groove. During the show, a snippet of the song and its choreography was teased to the audience, earning various reactions.
"Did the song remind you of any singer?" asked the director after showing it to his team.
"BIGBANG, BEAST. It has 'Fiction' vibes," answered the contestants.
Changsub then explained that he chose the song to stir up nostalgia for the second-gen era.
However, when this reached K-pop fans on X, Starlights (VIXX fandom) called out the male icon and the show for discrediting VIXX.
In a comparison thread, "Prison" is said to share uncanny similarities with the VIXX's track "Error," per the fandom.
Not only the choreography where both teams did a domino effect are similar but even the songs' melodies.
"There is the intro (in Prison), which is basically just the pitched down version of 'Error,'" highlighted by the user.
As Starlights believe that Changsub's song contains a lot of elements shown from VIXX's previous song, Melodys (BTOB fandom) were quick to defend him.
"This is not plagiarism at all. You guys are talking about an intro piano sample, we didn't even have the whole song out yet you guys are making a fuss?" replied one Melody.
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