Frankenstein Rabbit Becomes Internet Sensation [VIDEO]: Rare Shope Papilloma Virus Caused 'Monster Spikes', Horn-Like Tumors To A Strange-Looking Bunny

A Minnesota college student posted a video about "Frankenstein rabbit", originally intended for personal entertainment but surprisingly, it has now become a huge internet attraction, triggering various kinds of comments and reactions from the netizens. As of press time, Frankenstein rabbit video has half a million views already since it was posted on June 29.

20-year old college student, Gunnar Boettcher from Gustavus Adolphus College named the rabbit that was the subject of his video as Frankenstein, because of its abnormal horn-like tumorous growth, making him appear strange and scary like the famous fictional character.

Watch the viral video of Frankenstein rabbit below:

Accordingly, based on the report from Daily Mail, Frankenstein rabbit has a rare disease called Cottontail Papilloma virus, aka Shope papilloma virus, which causes horn-like tumors to grow on its head or on nearby areas. The report reads, "The tumours can eventually become large enough to interfere with the rabbit's ability to eat, causing them to die of starvation."


Moreover, Christian Post reported that Boettcher first spotted the odd-looking Frankenstein rabbit while he was working in his father's garage in Mankato. Gunnar, together with his brother Zander, captured the rabbit on video. The college student was narrating the footage entitled 'The World's Scariest Rabbit', in a way inspired by the works of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. During the filming of the video, Boettcher described Frankenstein rabbit as "'it's crazy, it's got monster spikes sticking out of his head, we don't know what this thing is capable of."

But Gunnar Boettcher's humorous approach in the video created some stir to online viewers with some of the comments for the Frankenstein rabbit video have actually not been very kind to Boettcher.

For instance, Arielrosemusic from Youtube said, "As a caring rabbit owner, this video just makes me sad. I hate to see that rabbit dealing with those growths - though in all probability, he isn't too troubled by it. However, the kid who made this video is just acting like an idiot - I turned the sound off so I wouldn't have to hear his 'narration' *sigh*."

But Boettched explained, "We started filming just for us, just to be funny. Then we decided to put it on Facebook and it got a lot of views. I used to watch Steve Irwin when I was little. I was just being a goof, just for me and my brother's entertainment."


Other Youtube viewers said that it is not right to make this kind of topic humorous while others feel that Boettcher has a responsibility to get Frankenstein rabbit some vet help. However, Boettcher disagrees as he commented on the video, "It's a great idea to try to help him and make him healthy again, but it's a little ridiculous to blame me for not helping the rabbit and taking him to the vet when it's a wild rabbit," he said. "It's turning into a thing on animal rights ... it was just supposed to be something fun between me and my brother."


The Daily Post article posted last updated on July 3 reported that Frankenstein rabbit was last seen in the backyard of Boettcher family in Minnesota 5 days ago.

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