Oscar Pistorius Trial Date: Olympian Charged For Girlfriend’s Murder Will Appear On ‘Dynamo: Magician Impossible’, July 25 Episode Stirs Controversy

Oscar Pistorius’s next trial date on August 19, 2013 is already under intense scrutiny as the world watches how South Africa’s most-watched murder case will unfold. And the double-amputee athlete has invited further media attention when it was learned that he would appear at the TV show of famous British magician, Dynamo, two weeks from now, according to U.K. newspaper The Sun.

The episode of “Dynamo: Magician Impossible” featuring Oscar Pistorius will air July 25. It was reported that it was shot last November, three months before the incident with Reeva Steenkamp occurred.

Oscar Pistorius has been charged of murder for the death of his supermodel girlfriend last Feburary 14.

Oscar Pistorius has consistently denied the charges that he murdered Reeva Steenkamp. He claims that he mistook the supermodel for a burglar and out of fear fired shots at the bathroom door.

The media and public have different opinions on whether it would be appropriate to air the show featuring the Olympian and Paralympian. Some argue it would be disrespectful to Steenkamp’s parents to do so.

Producers of the magic tricks show, speaking with The Sun, refuted such arguments, saying that Oscar’s appearance would just be a short clip, and that the athlete has a small part in the show overall.

The new series, which began last Thursday, will also feature Dynamo with other high-profile personalities. Some of them are Hollywood celebrity Samuel L. Jackson, Olympian Jessica Ennis and Celebrity Juice creator Keith Lemon.

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Oscar Pistorius
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