PS4 Vs. Xbox One Exclusives: Microsoft Admits They're Doing A Horrible Job? Xbox One Spokesman Says The Company Hasn't Done Well With Fans

Xbox One chief product officer Marc Whitten responded to a petition urging Microsoft to return the next-generation console to its original state saying the company didn't do a good job making fans known where they are headed with their console, BGR reports. 

"I think it's pretty simple. We've got to just talk more, get people understanding what our system is," Whitten said in an interview with IGN. 

"The thing that's really gratifying is that people are excited about the types of features that are possible, and it's sort of shame on us that we haven't done as good of a job as we can to make people feel like that's where we're headed."

The executive said that Microsoft needs to do "more work to talk about what we're doing," adding that the company is now doing a better job of listening to the feedback of the gaming community, according to BGR. 

But Microsoft might also face another challenge aside from their battle with fans looking to reverse controversial policies on game sharing and online registration.

Amazon has listed the Xbox One for a November 27 release date and two European retailers are claiming the PS4 will be launched on November 13, prompting rumors Sony will have a two-week advantage over Microsoft in the next-generation console war. 

Sony is also rumored to have an advantage over Microsoft because of their initial success at E3 where they announced the PS4 would not have the same policies the Xbox One would have.

Neither Microsoft or Sony have given an official release dates for their respective consoles. 

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