One Direction Liam Payne Twitter Apology After Scolding Fans: Reacts To Late-Night Phone Calls And Angry Signs At Concert, But Sister Not So Forgiving

One Direction's Liam Payne takes to Twitter to apologize for scolding fans for calling his hotel room in the wee hours of the night. Liam Payne must have realized he went too far when he spotted angry signs directed at him at a One Direction concert.

At the end of last month, Liam ranted on Twitter after receiving many late-night phone calls to his hotel room. In June, he tweeted: "Whoever is ringing our rooms please stop it's not funny ur just p***ing everyone off. Next time it's ur day off school nd u fancy a ly in il call u n see how u like it?" He then posted a sadface, reports.

Directioners were not happy with Liam's tone. At a recent One Direction show in Detroit, Michigan, many fans showed up with anti-Liam signs.

On Saturday, Liam addressed the negativity directed at him in a long Twitter message that voiced his formal apology to fans.

He tweeted: "Hey everyone, Saw some signs about me tonight that where a bit upsetting dont know whats happend but i hope I'm good with you guys and I hope you know how grateful I am that you guys have done all of this for us because i genuinely can't believe how lucky I am to be here.
It's amazing that you guys have created all this for us, non of us can believe the stuff that we get to do everyday and it's all down to you guys spending time on here spreading the word about us and being so dedicated spending all your money trying to make it to our shows an stuff. Thanks to everyone that has been so far every crowd has litterally been amazing and it's so tough to pick a favourite. Like I said I hope everything's ok and I know a lot of people may not like me right now and feel a little under appreciated as we dont get to come out and meet u guys all that much i wish it was easier, I do truly appreciate you guys tho you have changed my life and i could never thank you enough I hope in time it will all be cool. Love from me" reports that while Payne was trying to put the past behind him, his sister Ruth was not happy with fans being rude to her 19-year-old brother.

Ruth tweeted: "If only the people who made the signs understood how much pressure those boys are under. Makes me sad that i have to give my brother up for months on end, miss him everyday and a small amount of people make him feel bad... I know theres alot (sic) of love for him, but jus (sic) annoyed that why (sic) hes at work he still sees negative things." 

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