Zimmerman Verdict Celebrity Reactions: Kim Kardashian Tweets #NoJustice and It Backfires

Ever since the George Zimmerman verdict came in as not guilty for the murder of Travyon Martin, celebrities have been positively noted for their out cry...except for Kim Kardashian.

After Zimmerman was declared not guilty of all accounts, the verdict bred frustration amongst the masses, including Kanye West's baby mama who shared her reaction on Twitter.

"My heart goes out to Trayvon Martin's family & loved ones," said the star of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" on Twitter. "Thought & prayers being sent their way. #nojustice."

People seemed to be outraged by her weigh in on the verdict since her father Robert Kardashian happened to be apart of the "Dream Team" that got OJ Simpson acquitted for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in 1995.

Even Kim's father questioned the innocence of OJ when the case was said and done. “I have doubts,” Robert told ABC News reported Radar Online. “The blood evidence is the biggest thorn in my side.” Follow @ZeeMeekPeek

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george zimmerman
travyon martin
Kim Kardashian
Kanye West
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