Apple To Investigate China Death By iPhone: 23-Year-Old Woman Electrocuted While Charging iPhone 5?

Apple to investigate China iPhone death that involved a 23-year-old woman who reportedly electrocuted by iPhone on Thursday. She was answering a call on her iPhone 5 while the phone was charging.

Ma Ailun was killed in the Xinjiang region and the local news reported the accident. Now, the maker of the phone, Apple is to investigate the China iPhone death.

Ma's sister tweeted on a microblog saying that Ma collapsed and died after using her charging iPhone 5 and urged users to be careful of the same fatal mistake. Apple said it will investigate the China iPhone death and hopes to solve the situation.

"We are deeply saddened to learn of this tragic incident and offer our condolences to the Ma family. We will fully investigate and cooperate with authorities in this matter," Apple said in an e-mail to Reuters.

On the Sina English site, the family of Ailun said that the iPhone 5 was purchased in December from an Apple store and that she was using the original charger.

Apple declined to comment on any further details or whether or not it was an isolated case.

A 2011 report in India suggested that the death by electrocution of a man who answered his phone while it was charging could have been caused by a cheap charger he was using. This makes the death even more rare of a case and no word on how old the charger has to be to cause even the possibility of an electric shock.

On the website, which is dedicated to debunking urban myths, said it is false to suggest that using a mobile phone while it is charging poses a "general and serious" danger of electrocution.

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