Playstation 4 Release Date And Price: PS4 Has Almost One-Month Head Start? October 29 Earliest Rumored Sale Date For PS4, November 27 For Xbox One

Will the Playstation 4 have a one-month release date head start over the Xbox One?

The earliest rumored release date set for the PS4 is October 29 - Amazon listed games for the next-generation console with October 29 and November 5 sale dates for Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts, respectively.

And, a website featuring information about the release of Sony's next-generation console, released a countdown monitoring the release of the PS4 indicating 120 days left until it is released, claiming the release date for the Playstation 4 will be on November 13, the date that has been passed around by several different media outlets. 

But Sony has not officially announced a release date for the PS4.

On the other side of the next-generation console war, Amazon has listed the Xbox One for a November 27 release date.

This means that if the Playstation 4 is released on October 29, Sony will have an almost one-month head start over their biggest competitor.

Microsoft also has not announced an official date for its console's release.

The release date of the Xbox One is said to be largely contingent on that of the Playstation 4 - some speculate both Sony and Microsoft are waiting for someone to make the first move in announcing the release date to plan their own release date accordingly. 

So far, rumors suggest Sony will release its Playstation 4 before Microsoft sells its Xbox One. 

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