Google Android And Google Chrome Update: July 24 ‘Breakfast With Sundar Pichai’ Event To Reveal Details About Nexus 7 2, Chrome Notebooks, 4.3 Jelly Bean?

The internet giant will be hosting an event in July 24 and experts are expecting that there will be Google Android and Google Chrome updates that will be revealed.

Yesterday, July 17, Goole sent out invites for a July 24 even which features Sundar Pichai, the head of the company for Google Android and Google Chrome.

According to PC Mag, the invites read, "Please join us for breakfast with Sundar Pichai."

The gathering will begin at 9 AM Pacific Time in San Francisco. Those who cannot event can witness it through live streaming. Make sure to bookmark this livestreaming link if you are interested to get Google Android and Google Chrome updates as they arrive.

The details given about the Google event is scarce so waiting is the only option for everyone curious as to what Google has in store for the attendees. However, experts are saying that the event will provide more details about the upcoming Google Android and Google Chrome products.

For instance, Google Nexus 7 2 tablet is already set for release this July, with an internal document indicating that stores will be able to receive it by July 20. However, it would not be such a surprise if the rumored Nexus 7 2 release date will be delayed until the July 24 event.

Others were also thinking that there will be more official details about Moto X which is the first phone created by Motorola Mobility after it was acquired by Google.

Moreover, some Google Android updates may already be present during the event like the upcoming firmware for the mobile operating system. Android 4.3 Jelly Bean release does not have a specific official launch date yet while Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie is rumored to arrive in October.

The Google Chrome OS is also believed to appear during the 'breakfast with Sundar Pichai' event. Before the executive shuffle of the internet company in March, Pichai was concentrated mainly on Chrome OS and the Chromebooks. With the event coming, it is believed that there will be more details about Chromebooks that will be unleashed.

Days before the July 24 event, for sure, there will be more news to pop up about Google Android and Google Chrome updates.

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