New Texas Law Prevents Abortion After 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy: Heavy Protesting Underway Due To Mandatory Birth After Set Time Period

The new Texas abortion law came about after Gov. Rick Perry signed a bill restricting abortion in the state after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

This new Texas abortion law also requires abortion clinics to also become ambulatory surgical centers, and it forces doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion clinic at which they perform the procedure, according to CBS News.

Now that the bill has been signed, more protest than there already was before has come about over the new Texas abortion law.

In an interview, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told NBC's Andrea Mitchell that measures like the bill in Texas threaten the "discretion of a woman to make judgments" about her own body.

"The reality is that people in our country do practice birth control and use contraception," she said. "I don't know if my colleagues need a lesson on the birds and the bees. I really don't get it."

State Senator Wendy Davis, a Democrat, successfully led a 13-hour filibuster to stymie passage in June.

The disagreement between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans believe the new Texas abortion law safeguards women's health by forcing restrictions on abortion clinics in the state. The Democrats argument is that it does not allow women to make their own health care choices. 

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