Trayvon Hoodie "Worn" By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Goes Viral- But MLK's Niece Says He "Would Never Have" Worn One, Focus On Content Of Zimmerman Case

A Trayvon Martin-style hoodie "worn" by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is the latest photo to go viral on the Internet this week. In the wake of the Trayvon Martin case, the photo is garnering both controversy and support.

The doctored photo of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., wearing a hoodie similar to the one Trayvon Martin was wearing the night he died has been shared wildly on social media this week.

The hooded sweatshirt has become a Trayvon Martin symbol to his supporters. He was wearing a hoodie and eating Skittles the night George Zimmerman shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old in a Florida suburb.

Alveda King, a neice of Dr. King's, said that she thought her uncle would have preferred to focus on the content of the case, not clothing.

The Trayvon-MLK hoodie image was created by artist Nikkolas Smith and shows King's face shadowed by the hoodie.

George Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder for Trayvon Martin's death on Saturday. The ruling sparked anger on social media, protests throughout the country, and comments by many artists and celebrities.

A niece of King's, former Georgia state representative Alveda King, said in a statement to ABC News today that her uncle would have preferred to focus on the content of the case rather than the articles of clothing involved.

"I am not angered by the artistic expression. I am just plain hurt and saddened to see the message of my uncle Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., reduced to a debate over an article of clothing," she said.

She added, "As to the controversy, George Zimmerman seemingly never explored the content of Trayvon Martin's character. We must advocate as Martin Luther King, Jr., advocated; for defining ourselves by the content of our character rather than according to the color of our skin or choice of attire."

In a different recent interview, on Tuesday, Alveda King said, "I can almost promise you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would not wear a hoodie," Alveda King said, but that she understands it is the choice of today's youth.

"I can assure you he would not wear sagging pants. I don't even think I've ever even seen his sons with sagging pants," she added.

King also said that she believed the Trayvon Martin murder case verdict was just, as the trial was about finding reasonable doubt and that reasonable doubt was established.

"Sadly," she said, "the legal aspects of the trial were not about whether or not George Zimmerman racially profiled Trayvon Martin. That issue now becomes a matter of civil rather than criminal law."

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