So Much For Taking It Easy: Randy Travis' Brother David Traywick Arrested For Cooking And Distributing Meth While Country Star Recovers From Stroke

Randy Travis' younger brother recently got more charges after his meth arrest.

David Traywick, the brother of country music superstar Randy Travis, was arrested earlier this week on suspicion of making and distributing methamphetamine. He's just been hit with new charges.

David Brownlow Traywick, 50, was arrested from his home in North Carolina and charged with charged felony trafficking and conspiracy after police found a manufacturing operation near his home in Marshville, NC.

Now Randy Travis' brother, Traywick, has been charged with additional crimes of possessing methamphetamine precursors, storing controlled substances and possessing drug paraphernalia.

The cops seemed to think it was sort of no big deal, though. Captain Ronnie Whitaker of the Union County Sheriff's Office.

"It was more like a one-pot meth lab, like something some of these folks do in cars driving down the road," Whitaker said.

"But it's still dangerous," he added.

Oh, ok, so if the meth lab's small...that's fine, right?

Cops got a tip that Traywick was cookin' up some meth for din-din. He already had a meth charge from an earlier incident.

In addition, three women including Traywick's wife, Jessica, were arrested.

Meanwhile back away from the ranch, brother Travis is recuperating from brain surgery following a stroke and life-threatening heart condition in a Plano hospital.

On Thursday, Traywick and his wife remained in jail in lieu of $500,000 bond each.

Their sentence could be anywhere from 3-18 years if convicted.

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