$92 Quadrillion Deposited Into PayPal User's Account: Now That's Being A Pal

PayPal accidentally deposited $92 quadrillion into someone's account.

Now that's being a real pal.

Pennsylvania resident Chris Reynolds got $92 quadrillion from PayPal this week. He opened his mionthly statement via email and saw that his balance was $92,233,720,368,547,800.

PayPal, the online money-transfer company, had obviously made an error-but it sure felt good.

Chris Reynolds said,  "I'm just feeling like a million bucks. At first I thought that I owed quadrillions. It was quite a big surprise."

He immediately donated $30 to charity.

"I was moved to be really generous by good fortune," said Reynolds, a father of three.

Reynolds, 56, has used PayPal for ten years to buy and sell items on eBay. He said he usually spends no more than $100 a month using the service.

However, if the $92 quadrillion credit was real, he thought a bit about how he would use it.

First, he'd pay his debts off-and those of the country.

"I'm a very responsible guy," he said. "I would pay the national debt down first. Then I would buy the Phillies, if I could get a great price."

PayPal recently launched PayPal Galactic, which will help customers pay for items they buy in space. Maybe Reyonlds could buy a trip to every planet?

Reynolds recently got another PayPal notice.

"The sad part is that I got word that they still need me to renew the credit card that's attached to this account," he said. "So, even though I have 90 quadrillion dollars, they still don't trust me."

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