Daniel Radcliffe Photos Explained, Kinda: Not On Drugs, Just "Exhausted"...Okayyy.

Some scary Daniel Radcliffe pics emerged...and they've been explained. Sort of.

In the photos, Daniel Radcliffe looks gaunt and wired. His pixels are huge. He is sweating.

In other words, ol' Danny's either had several gallons of Red Bull, or he's lit on drugs.

And now, a rep has explained the photos. He's exhausted. Duh.

Of course. Exhaustion. Totally believable. Most plausible, specific excuse ever, used for everything from mysterious, sudden hospital visits (read: rehab/overdose) to concert cancellations (read: too drunk to go on stage/overdose).

The former Harry Potter star is trying his hand at Grown-Up Acting and has been starring in the play  "The Cripple of Inishmaan" in London. He's apparently pretty good...and if sweat is any indicator, he works hard at the role.

When photos emerged of Radcliffe leaving London's Noel Coward Theater in which he looked, well, not-quite-human, fans were a bit worried.

Nah, his rep says. Danny's cool.

 "That's an incredibly demanding role, physically, and after each performance he signs autographs for a long time by the stage door."

Plus, it's, like, sooo hot outside! (Nevermind that these photos were taken late at night).

"There's a heat wave in London," Radcliffe's representative told press.

When pressed about the suggesting that there was something wrong with Radcliffe, the rep said, "Absolutely not."


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