Prince Harry Packs Kate Middleton Baby Bag For Hospital; Includes Candy, iPod Playlist, And Lavender Oil To Help Her While In Labor

Prince Harry packed Kate Middleton's bag for her stay in the hospital when her baby arrives. Prince Harry will be a great uncle to the royal baby!

Prince Harry of Wales included lavender oil, Haribo candy, and an iPod complete with a playlist of Kate's favorite songs, including those by artists such as Bruno Mars and Of Monsters And Men, IBTimes reports.

A source told Now magazine: "Harry got Kate's things together for the hospital, adding her favourite snacks, including Haribo sweets. A friend of his with children told him sometimes in the early stages of labour it's good to eat sweet things - and he knew it'd amuse Kate.

"He threw in some aromatherapy lavender oil and a burner as well," the source added.

Prince Harry was helping his sister-in-law prepare for the birth of her first child while Prince William was away working as an RAF search and rescue pilot in north Wales, IBTimes reports.

Harry also helped Kate finish furnishing the baby's temporary nursery in Nottingham Cottage on the grounds of Kensington Palace, where she and William will live until the renovations are complete at their 21-room apartment in Kensington Palace itself, Now magazine reports.

Prince William and Kate are expected to spend most of their time at Kate's parents' home in Bucklebury, Berkshire, but sources say that Harry still wanted to "step in and help Kate," according to Now.

Prince Harry
Kate Middleton
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