Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Back Together; He’s Disgusting but I Love Him; Wants him to Slow Down (Video)

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have been back together as a star-crossed couple since the Fourth of July. Justin Bieber’s mom loves it. She told the ladies at “The View” that Selena has a calming influence on her pop-brat son. But, according to reports, Selena Gomez "won't stick around" if Justin keeps up his “disgusting” behavior like pissing in mop buckets and making videos where he says “Fuck Bill Clinton.”

Selena Gomez, whose new single, "Slow Down" dropped this week, wants Justin to do the same.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have been in and out of their relationship since 2011 and the latest rumors indicate they’re back together and pretty much in love. They don’t agree on everything. Bieber wants to start a family soon, Selena doesn’t think of him like that. Bieber smokes pot and relieves himself in public, on camera and Selena, not so much. The Disney starlet who got her start on Barney is not a big fan Bieber’s recent antics.

A source close to Selena told the British magazine Star, "Selena was disgusted when she heard what he did in the club. He has sworn if she gives him one last chance he won't let her down."

The former “Wizard of Waverly Place” must have cast quite a spell on the pop heart-throb to get him to quit speeding around in his Ferrari, smoking weed and dissing ex-presidents.

The insider continued saying "Selena has told Justin that the speeding, turning up late [to concerts] and arguing with paps all have to end if they are going to work."

After Selena laid down the law, Justin apologized to Bill Clinton, who told the teen idol to be more careful of who he hangs around with.

The insider said the relationship keeps the 19-year old singer in check. The source said, "When Justin is with Selena, he seems calmer and more focused. She keeps him grounded and is the best thing for him. Everyone is hoping this time Justin will actually listen to her - because if he pulls another stint like this bucket incident again, she won't stick around."

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Selena Gomez
Justin Bieber
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