Suicidal Woman Rescued By Stuntmen At San Diego ComicCon From Balcony: Stunt To Real "Kick-Ass 2" Life-saving [VIDEO]

A suicidal woman was rescued by stuntmen at San Diego's Comic-Con. A real-life superhero stopped the woman from plunging to her death. WATCH VIDEO of the incredible rescue below.

Many thought the woman on a balcony was part of an elaborate promotional stunt....but instead, she was rescued by people who were really there to do a promotional stunt.

The woman stepped onto the 14th floor balcony of an apartment complex near an event. She was reportedly heartbroken over a breakup. A small crowd had gathered and begun filming, thinking that it was part of the stunt.

Stuntmen Amos Carver, Gregg Sergeant and Scott Schecter, were setting up scaffolding nearby for their work at Stunts 911. The scaffolding was for a movie premiere party to promote "Kick-Ass 2".

Carver told press that the woman was, "She was hanging on (the balcony) with one hand, and had one foot off the ledge."

10News San Diego reported that some of the crowd that had gathered below screamed "don't jump" and "somebody get in there and help her."

The stuntmen stopped what they are doing and quickly went to help the women. They scaled a fence and got permission to come into the building from the manager. The apartment was unlocked, so they were able to get behind her without being heard. One man, Sargent, caught her with both arms in a hug from behind, and the others put a harness on her.

"She was ready to go," Sargent said later.

"She just kept saying, 'I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry,' over and over again," Carver said. "She was very distraught."

Soon afterwards, police arrived.

"I was just so thankful we got there when we got there," said Sargeant. "I think if we'd been there two seconds later, she would've been gone," said Sargent.

Watch video of the rescue below:

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