Schindler's List Goes on eBay; Bidding Starts at $3 million; Authenticity Confirmed

Shindler’s List, the names of Jewish detainees who were freed by a Nazi official and which inspired the iconic movie by Steven Spielberg is being auctioned off on eBay. According to the eBay page, The Schindler’s List auction was launched on Friday night at 9 p.m. EST. The Schindler’s List auction runs until July 28. The seller is listed as Gazin Auctions, which is run by Eric Gazin.

Shindler’s List, an important historic document, is owned by the curator of Moments in Time, Gary Zimet. His website,, says it buys and sells original letters, manuscripts and signed photos. According to the description on eBay, the list contains 801 male names and is dated April 18, 1945.

Eric Gazin, the eBay seller told ABC News, "Some real deep pockets shop on Ebay. We feel this type of valuable needs to be exposed to a different type of auction." He said the auction is open to pre-qualified bidders only. Gazin needs to make sure the buyers really have the $3 million to spend. Gazin said he’s already gotten some inquiries, but hasn’t released any names of the people who interested
Gary Zimet told ABC News that there are four lists of names of people Schindler put to work. The one on eBay is the only privately owned version. Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust Memorial Museum, and the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. have the other three. Zimet got the list from a contact descendant of Itzak Stern, who compiled the lists. Itzak Stern was Schindler's accountant. The list comes with an affidavit from Stern's nephew, according to the eBay page.

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that Zimet tried to sell the list in 2010 for $2.2 million, but the list’s authenticity was questioned by Marta Rosenberg, an Argentine woman who wrote several about Schindler. She argued that the list should have gone to her because Schindler’s wife Emilie listed Rosenberg as her sole heir after her death.

Zimet says the list is authentic. "The providence is ironclad. Her suit was laughed out of court."

Nazi party member Oskar Schindler rescued more than a thousand 1,000 Jews from being sent to the death camp Auschwitz by putting them to work in his factory. It saved their lives. His attempts were first documented in the book “Schindler’s List” written by Thomas Keneally's. Stephen Spielberg made it into a movie in 1993. The movie "Schindler's List" won the Best Picture Academy Award.

By Tony Sokol

world news
Schindler's List
eBay; $3 million
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