iPhone 6 Release Date [LIVE STREAM]: Apple To Provide Launch Details Of Next-Gen Smartphone During Earnings Report Today?

Apple is scheduled to report its earnings results this day, July 23, at 2 PM, California time Because of this, some experts are expecting that the tech firm will also provide details about iPhone 6 release date and its other forthcoming products.  

Forbes reported that the Cupertino-based iPhone maker is set to reports its drop in profit and flat sales as it shares its earnings on the third quarter of the fiscal year.

And alongside this earnings reports, many analysts and investors are hoping that the Apple CEO, Tim Cook, will share some strong details about iPhone 6 release date as well as the launching of the company's other highly-anticipated products like the iOS 7.

The hint about the upcoming Apple products and the iPhone 6 release may come in a form of sales forecast, which Apple will give for the fourth fiscal quarter ending in September.

Toni Sacconaghi, an analyst from Sanford C. Bernstein & Co stated, "If guidance is weak, it suggests new products will likely be announced in September or October, contributing to a lull in fourth quarter sales and EPS. Conversely, strong guidance likely presages new products beginning to ship in September, which could trigger positive revisions and investor enthusiasm."

Apple will be hosting a conference call later today, at 2 PM (conference call) to discuss the earnings result of the company.  For the tech fans and enthusiasts interested to listen to the report or to be the first few ones to get new details about the soon-to be launched Apple products including iPhone 6 release date (if such information will be shared), you can visit this site to listen to the report over the Web.

The report provided expert's analysis on the nearly approaching sales report. On the average, specialists are expecting Apple to report sales worth $35.1 billion, which only minutely increased from their sales a year ago which totalled to $35 billion. Furthermore, Apple is anticipated to report a profit of $7.31 a share, which was lower from last year's $9.32.

To see if these predictions will happen or for  you to to get exclusive news regarding iPhone 6 release date, make sure to tune in to the audio stream link provided here. 


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