Taylor Swift Online Prank 'Compromised' Biggest Fan Contest By 'Creepy 39-Year-Old': Obsessed Man Tried Rigging Selena Gomez And Jonas Brother Competitions

A Taylor Swift online prank happened when the singer teamed up with a radio station for the Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan contest that allowed the winner the chance to meet her. The voting was swayed for a man described as a "creepy 39-year-old who would like to crush all those little girls' dreams."

People would vote for these die-hard fans that featured young girls who wanted to meet the singer of "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" until the Taylor Swift online prank happened.

The ones involved with the Taylor Swift online prank were 4chan.org and users of Reddit.com that "compromised" the votes by promoting others to vote for Charles Z. and it worked momentarily.

He was set to be the winner until the Massachusetts radio station Kiss108 decided to stop the contest.

"Disappointingly, we have determined that the integrity of the Taylor Swift's Biggest Fan contest has been compromised. In accordance with our contest rules, effective immediately, the contest has been terminated. We apologize to all of our loyal listeners who have participated," read a statement from Kiss108.

It might be because of the safety of Taylor Swift if Charles Z. was to win the contest that could have been the nail on the hammer to stop the competition.

This wouldn't be the first time the name Charles Z. was used to rig a fan competition to meet a female popstar. The name was used on New York's Z100 radio contest to figure out "Who is Selena Gomez's Biggest Fan?" according to the Daily Dot and accounts posted on Reddit. The contest would have allowed him to meet her on the Good Morning America Summer Concert Series, but that too was cancelled. 

It was another user that attemped to get Charles Z. the votes to meet Gomez and Taylor Swift. 

"You say 'creepy' I say 'weirdly handsome,'" Charles Z. wrote on his Twitter account in regards to how he was described for this Taylor Swift fan contest.

"I'm a 39 year old guy(but I act much younger if that counts) whose dreams have been recently crushed. It is truly my dream to meet Selena," a statement about Charles Z. that he himself said he never wrote. He also denied knowing who Gomez was until typing her name in Google.

His name was also thrown into meeting one of the Jonas Brothers, which he responded via Twitter, "I don't even know what a Jonas Brother is." 

According to MSN Now, a previous contest was swayed when the singer was going to perform for students at a school. Pranksters stepped in to be sure that Swift would sing at a "deaf school." Yeah, that's not nice.

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